Petite Bouquet
The daintiest of our bouquets, the petite is ideal for mothers, flower girls, or couples wanting small and demure posies. In our Brown Sugar palette, expect blooms in caramel, brown, ivory, beige, burgundy tones with touches of greenery to accent.
Embrace the whimsy and organic movements with the florals that are arranged with room to breathe and dance alongside you.
Please note that the product images were taken in the summer and not all flowers will be available depending on the year. We take great pride in sourcing many local flowers to accompany our internationally sourced blooms. While many flowers are available year-round, expect substitutions to accommodate the seasons. This flexibility allows us to create the most interesting and seasonally appropriate arrangements for our clients. It also roots you and your guests in the setting of your event. We revel when we can source the blooms only available a few months or weeks of the year. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Depending on the season, expect focal blooms like carnations and specialty tulips; greenery like nandina, and grass accents.
The daintiest of our bouquets, the petite is ideal for mothers, flower girls, or couples wanting small and demure posies. In our Brown Sugar palette, expect blooms in caramel, brown, ivory, beige, burgundy tones with touches of greenery to accent.
Embrace the whimsy and organic movements with the florals that are arranged with room to breathe and dance alongside you.
Please note that the product images were taken in the summer and not all flowers will be available depending on the year. We take great pride in sourcing many local flowers to accompany our internationally sourced blooms. While many flowers are available year-round, expect substitutions to accommodate the seasons. This flexibility allows us to create the most interesting and seasonally appropriate arrangements for our clients. It also roots you and your guests in the setting of your event. We revel when we can source the blooms only available a few months or weeks of the year. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Depending on the season, expect focal blooms like carnations and specialty tulips; greenery like nandina, and grass accents.
The daintiest of our bouquets, the petite is ideal for mothers, flower girls, or couples wanting small and demure posies. In our Brown Sugar palette, expect blooms in caramel, brown, ivory, beige, burgundy tones with touches of greenery to accent.
Embrace the whimsy and organic movements with the florals that are arranged with room to breathe and dance alongside you.
Please note that the product images were taken in the summer and not all flowers will be available depending on the year. We take great pride in sourcing many local flowers to accompany our internationally sourced blooms. While many flowers are available year-round, expect substitutions to accommodate the seasons. This flexibility allows us to create the most interesting and seasonally appropriate arrangements for our clients. It also roots you and your guests in the setting of your event. We revel when we can source the blooms only available a few months or weeks of the year. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Depending on the season, expect focal blooms like carnations and specialty tulips; greenery like nandina, and grass accents.